lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

2 free multiplayer maps for Dead Space 2

A is adding two new multiplayer maps for free to Dead Space 2 in a couple weeks. The "Outbreak Map Pack," which includes The Academy and The Concourse, will send players back to survive multiplayer evisceration in The Sprawl on May 31 and June 3 for Xbox 360 and PS3, respectively.

The sci-fi horror sequel has done well for EA, shipping over 2 million units and the DS2:Severed DLC mentioned as a digital sales highlight for the publisher. EA makes no mention of the Outbreak Map Pack for the PC version of the game.

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19 comentarios:

  1. I am looking forward to this. I haven't played DS2 Multiplayer in a while.

  2. Good news. But why no indication for PC ;_;

  3. I haven't played multiplayer so far, but I do have played the single player! Hell, it's really scary you know?

  4. I need to play this again some time.

  5. Hm, almost forgot all about this game.

  6. Oh yeah almost forgot about this. Sweet

  7. i havn´t play multiplayer but singleplayer is awesome

  8. I wanna play this now! it's perfect.

  9. free maps..not many people do this.

  10. got it and its really good nice post
